AI To Write Ebook: Benefits and Step-by-Step Guide

No matter what the subject—a high-tech skill, a new product, or anything you’re passionate about—you can produce an electronic or ebook with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) and web-based AI chatbots.

Ebooks provide audiences immediate, affordable access to in-depth content without a trip to the library or bookstore.

Here’s a closer look at AI and how it makes self-publishing within reach of a new generation of authors…including you.

What Is AI in Ebook Writing?

Artificial Intelligence, commonly known as AI, is a source of knowledge that surpasses all previous versions. It goes a giant step further than Googling a subject; when you ask an AI chatbot a question, your answer will include data from several sources.

AI provides detailed information about any educational, business, or personal topic. A salesperson may use AI to compose emails to prospective customers, while a student may brainstorm an essay with AI.

Using the knowledge produced by an AI chatbot is equally valuable for authors. Anything from a user’s manual to a sales guide can be produced, no matter what the author’s educational level or writing ability.

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Can I Use AI to Write an ebook?

As President Obama once said, “Yes, we can.” In fact, using AI as your fellow brainstormer and researcher will help you write an ebook that will probably be more informative and useful than if you go it alone.

Although you can write your ebook with Microsoft® Word or a similar program, it’s worth checking out self-publishing platforms designed for beginners. It will be easier to plan, write, and sell your ebook with the help of AI and a self-publishing platform. Equally important, you can accomplish these steps without a major cash outlay.

Writing an ebook with AI will be easier when you’re familiar with the steps involved in the process.

What Are the Steps to Use AI in Ebook Creation?

Let’s now go through, in some detail, the steps you can take to use AI in ebook creation.

#1 – Identify Your Topic and Audience

Many ebook readers want to learn something specific: something that will make their jobs or lives easier or will help them move up in their careers.

Therefore, if you can settle on a topic that will ease your readers’ pain points while increasing their confidence, you’re on the right path.

Considering your audience’s current skill set is important. For example, if you’re planning to write about coding, will your audience be beginners? Or are they coders who want to increase their skills in object-oriented coding?

After you know your topic and audience, it’s on to the next step…something that may have been difficult in the past, but will be easier with AI.

#2 – Brainstorm and Organize Your Ideas

Using AI to brainstorm ideas is something you may already be doing. For example, if you’re planning a New Year’s party, you may have brainstormed party themes with an AI chatbot.

The better the questions you ask an AI chatbot (these are called prompts), the better the results.

For example, if you’re writing about object-oriented coding, there are plenty of ways to brainstorm. Enter prompts based on your readers’ current fields of expertise, their work responsibilities, and any problems commonly encountered with object-oriented code.

Don’t be afraid to visit several AI chatbots for brainstorming. Since different chatbots gather data differently, one may deliver better results to your prompts.

Now it’s time to start writing your ebook. Keep your brainstorming notes close by.

#3 – Write Your Ebook

Sitting down to write a book may have seemed a bit intimidating at first. Now, you can use what you learned when brainstorming. Start by telling your audience what they’re going to learn from you, and how easy it will be.

While you may want to “map out” your ebook chapter by chapter, it may be easier for you to do this after you’ve completed an initial draft.

If you’re having problems getting started, pretend that a potential reader is sitting across from you, and you’re a friend who is going to teach them a new skill.

#4 – Manual Review and Editing

After you’ve completed your first draft, wait a day before editing. This helps you look at your work with a fresh set of eyes.

Here are some editing basics to remember.

  • Look for common flaws such as repetition, missing information, and contradictory statements.
  • Proofread for misspelled and repetitive words and improper grammar. Some apps will highlight these and provide corrections.
  • If your work has web links, make sure they take readers to a reliable site. You don’t want to send your readers to a dreaded 404.
  • Ask a friend to read your ebook after you’ve completed your edits. They may spot errors you missed or items that need clarification.

When you’ve completed your review, fact-checked, and created an index if necessary, you’ll have reached a major milestone. By now, you may have some ideas for your ebook’s cover.

#5 – Design Your Ebook Cover and Layout

If you’re worried about your artistic talent, relax. These guidelines will help you produce an attractive cover.

  • Make sure your ebook’s title describes your topic and isn’t too long.
  • Use a single graphic that helps tell readers what your book is about.
  • Don’t use too many different fonts.
  • You won’t need a back cover, as ebook buyers won’t see it.
  • Design two covers to compare. Test both to see how they look when they’re reduced to thumbnails.

There are plenty of ebook covers to check out before you begin designing your own. Bookmark a few favorites and use them for “inspiration.”

#6 – Publish Your Ebook

If you wrote your ebook with a self-publishing platform, this information will probably be included.

For example, if you’ve created your ebook with Amazon’s Kindle direct publishing, your work will be marketed through Kindle. Apple Books for Authors will market your ebook through their own network.

If you opted to write your ebook outside a self-publishing platform, it will need to be converted from a .doc file to .MOBI or .EPUB format. Depending on your choice of publisher, you will need to download conversion software.

The money you earn from your ebook is usually described as royalties. These are usually described as percentages and will differ by ebook publisher.

As we’ve covered the basics of ebook production, here are answers to some frequently asked questions.

Is It Possible to Write an Ebook in Two Days?

While this will depend on your topic knowledge and writing skills, thousands of authors are currently producing ebooks in 48 hours or less.

If you’re working on yours in your spare time, such as after working hours, you can still complete yours in five to seven days.

What Are the Benefits of AI in Ebook Creation?

Some of the benefits of using AI in ebook creation include, but are not limited to, the following.

  • AI saves time…lots of it.
  • AI improves writing quality by brainstorming.
  • AI generates personalized content (more about that later).
  • AI overcomes writer’s block, which is common with beginner authors.

AI also personalizes your content for your target audience and takes into account their reading levels.

What Are the Challenges and Limitations of AI in Ebook Writing?

While AI chatbots are invaluable when gathering information and brainstorming, there are some limitations to keep in mind.

One noticeable aspect of AI-generated books is the lack of “personality.” Too much reliance on AI will result in an ebook that doesn’t reflect your smarts. When editing, make sure your copy is more than accurate and on-topic; be friends with your readers.

Another common problem with AI-generated copy is that it can pick up biased, racist, or sexist attitudes from data sources. Chatbots’ ability to recognize these are varied. You should look for these and recognize and remedy them during your first edits.

When editing, consider your AI chatbot as a writing partner, not as your manager. When editing, replace dull AI writing with a personal anecdote or real-life example of your skills or solutions.

How to Write Ebooks With AI?

Here’s a recap of the steps required. You may want to print out this section and refer to it later.

  1. Choose an AI writing tool
  2. Brainstorm topics
  3. Provide clear and concise instructions
  4. Create a content brief
  5. Generate your outline
  6. Write a rough draft
  7. Use AI to supplement your own skills
  8. Focus on personalization and originality
  9. Revise and edit your ebook
  10. Humanize your ebook using
  11. Publish your ebook

What’s the Future of AI in Ebook Writing?

While AI makes it easy for would-be authors to sell their works, it has already encountered a potential problem: authors who are content to publish dozens of ebooks that are almost 100% AI-generated.

This is already drawing criticism from the readers and e-publishers alike. Furthermore, some publishers are rejecting authors publishing multiple books in very short timeframes after determining that they’re AI-authored.

However, the growth of data available from AI chatbots will enable discerning writers to improve their works while acting as the final author. Traditional ethics are as valuable in today’s AI, high-tech age as ever, especially when it comes to legal implications.

Is It Legal to Use AI to Write a Book?

Legal experts have determined that it’s currently legal to use AI for this purpose since AI-generated content is produced by an “inert entity.”

However, there are some things to keep in mind, especially as these laws are new and will certainly change.

  • If it’s determined that your ebook has plagiarized a copyrighted work, this could result in a lawsuit, and/or your work being rejected by online publishers.
  • Some ebook publishers discourage or limit the number of ebooks that are determined to be authored by AI.

AI-generated work continues to be the target of endless legal issues. Unless you’re an attorney, you’ll be safer working with an ebook creator assistant, such as

Why Choose Undetectable as Your Ebook Creator Assistant?

While there are programs that will review your ebook and inform you if the content is obviously AI-generated, offers these additional, vital services:

  • Humanizing your content: Something that AI-generated content often needs. While you’ll be adding your personal touches, it’s vital to have a “second pair of eyes.”
  • Defining your reader’s skills: will revise your ebook for high school, university, or even doctorate-level reading skills.
  • Improving overall balance and readability: Submit your ebook to Undetectable and request that these factors be reviewed.

The result? An ebook that will be equally welcomed by your chosen audience and the most popular e-publishers…a work you can be truly proud of.

Ready to see the difference? Test the Undetectable AI widget below and experience firsthand how it can enhance your writing (English only).

Just input your text and watch as it transforms into a more humanized and polished version. Give it a try now!

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Authoring a popular ebook is easily within your reach when you team up with AI chatbots, a publisher, and

You’ll provide unique, valuable information in an attractive format to your specified audience, even if it’s your first. Being an author and problem-solver is truly rewarding…both financially and personally.

Undetectable AI (TM)