Originality.AI Review – 2023 The Premium AI Detector

What is Originality.ai?

Originality.ai is a cutting-edge AI-writing platform that provides an AI content identification tool and a plagiarism detection feature. The following review will highlight the pros and cons of Originality.ai.

The prevalence of AI writing has skyrocketed due to recent advancements in artificial intelligence, enabling the creation of polished, well-crafted, and unique content within moments—virtually indistinguishable from text authored by humans. Tools like Originality.ai allow individuals to detect AI-generated content unless the writer uses an AI humanization tool like Undetectable.ai.

However, concerns about content originality persist. Furthermore, search engines tend not to favor AI-generated content, which often lacks real value for readers. This is why it’s essential for many writers and marketers to obfuscate their use of AI technology with AI detection bypass tools.

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Exploring an AI content identification tool, such as the one offered by Originality.ai might be beneficial. This tool accurately detects AI-generated content, even when it appears to be written by humans.

This article presents a comprehensive review of Originality.ai’s AI content identification tool.

In this review of Originality.ai. I conducted thorough tests to evaluate the tool’s effectiveness using human text, AI-generated, and humanized inputs.

Originality: Human-Generated Content & Inputs

The first test we ran for this originality.ai review was two human-written pieces from different parts of the internet and our own writings.

Test 1: Wikipedia

This input was taken from Wikipedia’s “Golden Age of Piracy“.

A.I. Detection Results:

Originality.AI detected that the content is 91% original
An image that shows that Originality.ai was successfully able to identify human content versus AI content

As you can see, Originality.ai accurately detected that this human-written article was entirely original and not generated by AI.

Plagiarism Detection Results:

Originality.AI detected that the content is 0% plagiarized
A screenshot showing that 0% of the input into Originality.ai was plagiarized.

Unfortunately, Originality.ai could not see that this was a direct copy and paste from Wikipedia, and their tool flagged the input as 0% Plagiarized.

Test 2: Student Written

This input was submitted by a student from a local university.

A.I. Detection Results:

Originality.AI detected that the content is 99% original
An image that shows that Originality.ai was successfully able to identify human content written by a local student

As you can see, Originality.ai accurately detected that this human-written article was entirely original and not generated by AI.

Plagiarism Detection Results:

Originality.ai successfully identified that the inputted text written by a student was not plagiarized.

Originality: AI-Generated Content & Inputs

The second group of tests we ran for this originality.ai review was two AI-written pieces from the AI generation platform ChatGPT.

Test 1: ChatGPT – Justice in America (Essay)

The first input we put into Originality for the AI-generated piece was an essay about Justice in America.

Test 2: ChatGPT (Email)

The second input we put into Originality for the AI-generated piece was an email asking a friend to cancel their credit card due to fraud.

Surprisingly, originality AI’s algorithm was more confident of the likelihood that the email was written by AI than it was of the essay.

Originality: AI-Generated Humanized by a third-party paraphrase to attempt to bypass AI detection

Several companies in the marketplace are attempting to humanize AI-generated text to help marketers rank their content on Google, or in some cases, even trying to help students with attempts at academic dishonesty. These tools claim to help companies either bypass AI detection and make AI-generated content undetectable.

Test 1: Quillbot – Justice in America (Essay)

In the following test, we ran our ChatGPT-generated essay that failed in our last test through the popular paraphrase and text humanizer Quillbot. Originality’s most recent update stated that it can accurately identify content spinners such as Quillbot. Let’s put that to the test.

As you can see, the results from Quilbot’s paraphrasing have not stumped originality’s AI content detection system.

Test 2: Undetectable – (Email)

In the second test, we ran the AI-flagged ChatGPT-generated email through the Undetectable text humanizer.

Originality.AI detected that the content is 100% original
A screenshot showing the Undetectable AI’s text humanizer flags as 100% human and original on the originality AI detector

As the results show, Undetectable could convert the AI-generated text into an output flagged as 100% original and human!

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Rated #1 AI Detector by Forbes

Originality Pros

Accuracy: Originality.ai is one of if not the most accurate tool that we have tested in the marketplace. It is even able to identify basic content spinners such as Quillbot.

Originality Cons

Not Free: It is important to note that most AI detectors on the market are free. Originality offers there service at a cost, although affordable, this could be a significant barrier for writers processing large amounts of text.


After extensive testing, it was clear that originality.ai’s AI detector is one of the more accurate tools on the market. It successfully identified human versus AI writing in every case but the Undetectable.ai output.

With this in mind, it’s essential to ensure that you are 100% sure that an output was generated by AI before accusing a student or writer of academic misconduct or plagiarism.

Undetectable AI (TM)