Can Professors Detect Chat-GPT? [2024 Update]

According to a recent poll, 56% of college students have used AI, such as ChatGPT, on assignments or exams.

56% students are using ChatGPT while 44% students are not

Over half of students, 54%, say that the use of AI tools on college coursework counts as cheating or plagiarism.

54% students believe AI is cheating while 46% students believe that it's not

So given that most college students:

  1. Use AI for exams and assignments…
  2. Believe it’s cheating…

… most college students acknowledge that they’re cheating using AI. But…

  • … can professors detect Chat-GPT?


  • How does AI detection work for essays or exams?
  • Is there a way to prevent AI detection?

In this article, you’ll discover the answers to the above questions.

Is ChatGPT detectable?

The short answer is yes. Professors can detect conventional content generated by ChatGPT with a likelihood of 74%.

There’s a 74% likelihood of detection risk for ChatGPT content

A recent study called ‘Testing of detection tools for AI-generated text’ looked at over 12 publicly available tools and two commercial systems (Turnitin and PlagiarismCheck). They determined the likelihood of the AI checker to detect ChatGPT as 74%.

And yes, these are the tools used by teachers, professors, and universities to detect AI-generated content.

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Never Worry About AI Detecting Your Texts Again. Undetectable AI Can Help You:

  • Make your AI assisted writing appear human-like.
  • Bypass all major AI detection tools with just one click.
  • Use AI safely and confidently in school and work.
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These platforms use AI technology to:

  • Check for plagiarism, and:
  • Check for AI plagiarism (AI detection)

So while it may be tempting to use ChatGPT for academic purposes, submitting academic essays or exams that fit the writing style of ChatGPT can easily be flagged.

Luckily, there are 2 ways to circumvent these systems and reduce the likelihood of an AI detector flagging your content:

How To Prevent AI Detection In Writing

There are two ways to prevent universities from flagging your AI-generated content:

  1. Manually re-writing the content
  2. Using an AI humanizer to rewrite your content

In the following section we look at both in detail and see which option is the best one for you:

Option 1: Manually Rewriting (Patchwriting) AI Written Text

An easy way to turn AI into human text is to change a few words with synonyms. Also called ‘patchwriting’. This drops the likelihood of AI detection down to 42%.

There’s a 42% likelihood of detection risk for ChatGPT content when doing Patchwriting

Slight manual changes in the text can fool conventional AI plagiarism detection tools. So while 3 out of 4 text written by AI writing tools gets detected, now it’s only about 2 out of 4 (or 1 out of 2).

The problem? Every one out of two writing assignments of yours will still be caught by AI detection software.

There has to be a more effective way, right? There is.

Let me introduce to you ‘AI humanizers’ – that turn AI text into human-written text:

Option 2: Using An AI Humanizer

According to the study, paraphrasing AI content with an AI humanizer tool is more than double as effective as manually rewriting the text. The likelihood of detection is 26%!

There’s a 26% likelihood of detection risk for ChatGPT content when using an AI humanizer tool

Now, only 1 out of 4 ChatGPT essays or exams get detected. If you’re using effective AI humanizers, it may even be less than that.

But, how do these ‘AI humanizers’ work?

How To Use AI Humanizers

How AI humanizers work is quite straightforward. Here are the three simple steps to use one:

  1. Head over to the website of an AI humanizer.
  2. Check your content for AI (this is included in the free version)
  3. Humanize the content with one-click
Undetectable AI's AI Detector and Humanizer

Yes, it’s really that simple. So not only are tools such as Undetectable AI more effective than manually rewriting text – they’re also almost effortless to use.

It’s important to note here that AI humanization is not free. Similar to ChatGPT, AI humanization uses a language model as well as a comprehensive database. This is expensive to create and maintain.

One of the most affordable solutions is Undetectable AI. The AI humanization plans start at $9.99/mo for 10,000 words – and range to $209/mo for 308,000 words if paid monthly (there’s a 50% discount on yearly packages).

You can learn more about the pricing of Undetectable AI by clicking on the link.

Ready to experience the difference? Try the Undetectable AI widget below quickly and easily (English only). Just input your text and see how it can transform your writing!

Rated #1 AI Detector by Forbes

The Best AI Software To Prevent ChatGPT Detection For Students

The best AI detector and AI humanizer is Undetectable AI.

Of course, we’re biased. You might have already seen that Undetectable AI is our solution.

However, we’ve done our best to present the information here evenly because we want you to make an educated decision.

That said, we are proud of our software and built it with the AI detection and humanization features and ease that we’d want.

Specifically, there are three reasons we think our software is the best AI humanizer – and will prevent teachers, professors, and universities from detecting any potential ChatGPT-generated essays:

  1. Award-winning accuracy: Third-party tests report accuracy of 85-95%, making it one of the most accurate solutions available in 2024.
  2. Free AI detection software: The tool is free to use for AI detection. We only charge for AI humanization, which is a natural next step after AI detection for most use cases.
  3. Iron-clad money-back guarantee: If we humanize (conceal) the AI content and it’s still detected – we will refund the cost of humanization. No questions asked.

And, did we mention that we have 4,000,000 users and a #1 rating for AI detection tools by Forbes?

Click on the link to detect your first AI-generated text for absolutely free.

Frequently Answered Questions

There may be many open questions and uncertainties regarding the likelihood of a professor, teacher, or university detecting ChatGPT (or other AI language models).

In this section, we’d like to outline common answers to these frequently asked questions:

Can Professors Detect Chat-GPT?

The answer is yes. Teachers might not be able to detect ChatGPT-generated text just by reading it because the output can be similar to human writing.

However, there are two ways educators can detect AI written text:

  1. If a student’s submissions vary significantly in style or quality from their usual work.
  2. If they have access to AI detection tools

In general, teachers detect ChatGPT if they’re part of a university that has access to AI detection tools. If you’re still in high school (or below) – chances are low. If you’re part of Harvard, chances are high.

Can Schools Detect ChatGPT?

The answer is yes, again. Like individual teachers, schools at a broader level may have access to AI detection tools to detect ChatGPT-generated content (such as Turnitin or Undetectable AI).

Whether or not your school detects your content written by an AI model depends on:

  • The size of the school – if schools have more funding they more easily have access to AI plagiarism software
  • The type of school – technical schools will be more likely to detect AI content

How Does Turnitin Detect ChatGPT?

Turnitin (and similar plagiarism checkers) have started to update their algorithms to identify not only:

  • Conventional plagiarism, but also:
  • AI-generated content (created by ChatGPT or other AI chatbots)

They analyze the text for patterns typical of AI-generated content, such as certain types of consistency, unusual clarity or formality, and other linguistic signals. However, the specifics of these detection mechanisms are individual to each service.

Learn more about how Turnitin AI detection work here.

Is Turnitin Available For Students?

According to Turnitin, you can access their services over a Learning Management System (LMS) such as Canvas or Moodle.

But there’s another way you may be able to access the underlying functions of Turnitin:

  1. Use PlagScan– an Online Plagiarism Checker owned by Turnitin. It may have the same functionalities as Turnitin, and everyone can pay to use it.
  2. Use Undetectable AI – an AI plagiarism checker software that may use similar AI language models to Turnitin to detect ChatGPT-generated content. It’s free to use.

Can Universities Detect ChatGPT Code?

The answer is at this stage, March 2024, likely no.

Detecting code is significantly harder than detecting text. In a recent study called ‘Assessing AI Detectors in Identifying AI-Generated Code: Implications for Education’, the researchers concluded:

“Our results demonstrate that existing AIGC Detectors perform poorly in distinguishing between human-written code and AI-generated code.”

If the code that you submitted looks similar to your previously submitted code (comments, structure) – the code will likely not be detected.

Can Google Classroom detect Chat GPT?

The short answer is no. Google Classroom does not have built-in AI detection capabilities.

This doesn’t mean however that you may not be detected using ChatGPT. Educators may utilize third-party AI plagiarism detection tools such as Undetectable AI that may detect ChatGPT.

How do I use ChatGPT without being detected?

It’s important to note that using ChatGPT (or any other AI tool) to complete academic assignments may be classified as academic misconduct under many institutions’ policies.

Having said that here are three ways to use ChatGPT without getting detected:

  1. Use ChatGPT as a study aid: Generate ideas, understand complex topics, then draft outlines that you use to write your original work.
  2. Manually rewrite ChatGPT-generated text: Use ‘patchwriting’ to turn AI text into human-like text. Simply use synonyms and change sentence structure, and you can strongly decrease the chances of detection.
  3. Use AI humanizers: These are similar tools that universities use to analyze student work. These are artificial intelligence tools trained specifically to camouflage AI-written text. They are more effective (and quicker) than manually rewriting the content.

Revise your initial AI-generated text utilizing the finest AI humanizer tool available.

Try it for FREE today and ensure academic integrity in your institution.

Undetectable AI (TM)