Are Medical Schools Checking If You Use AI?

You’ve spent years preparing for this moment. Medical school has been that ultimate dream for as long as you can remember.

But, the reality is that less than half of all applicants to US medical schools are accepted.

And that’s speaking generally. Acceptance rates have reached just around 6.2% just a few years ago.

There’s definitely intense pressure to make your application stand out.

You feel the need to get it perfect the first time. That’s no easy task, and you might feel compelled to use AI.

Now, we’re all for using AI in education. It’s been a serious game-changer for both students and teachers.

Institutions get to use AI to make more personalized lessons and to streamline admin work.

Meanwhile, students can use AI to guide their research and even boost productivity by giving them a leg up. It’s undeniable that AI is an incredible tool when used responsibly.

So, with all this pressure to make your medical school application as flawless as possible, it’s natural to think about using AI.

Maybe an AI tool could help you fine-tune your personal statement. Or maybe it can make sure that your essay is structured well.

But this brings up an important question: Are medical schools checking if you use AI? We’ve got you covered. Here’s everything you need to know about getting your college essay written by AI.

How Do Med Schools Filter Applicants?

Contrary to how the general public believes AI is some sort of threat, it’s actually more of a necessity for education – especially in medical schools.

Nearly nine of ten medical students want to learn about AI in medicine. They believe it will play a big role in their future careers as physicians.

Learning to work with AI teaches them to become more adaptable to the changing times.

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But there’s also that fine line between using AI responsibly and using it wrong. Responsible AI use means that you’re using AI to support your learning.

Irresponsible use, however, is when students completely rely on AI to ‘generate’ their work. 

AI tools like ChatGPT are super popular, and because they can produce entire essays – this is where things can go wrong.

Medical school admissions committees already know about this and take it very seriously. Using AI to do the work for you crosses a line.

Admissions officers are experts at spotting dishonest work, including AI content.

After reading thousands of essays, they’ve developed a strong sense of what feels real and what doesn’t.

Remember that institutions aren’t just looking for well-written essays. They’re looking for your story told in your own voice. Gone are the days of just relying on human intuition.

“Will med schools use an AI checker?” Yes, AI detectors are now also part of the process.

AI detectors scan for patterns that are typical of AI-generated content. AI writing has predictable structures and phrasing that detectors are trained to catch.

If you’re using AI to draft your application, there’s a good chance that it will be flagged.

But that being said, even using AI tools for minor edits or assistance can still get you detected. And some institutions don’t have policies in place for AI use.

You can use trusted AI detection tools like Undetectable AI to gain an edge. It’s a smart way to make sure that your work passes the test before you submit it.

Are Medical Schools Checking If You Use AI? medical schools

College Essay Written by AI: Pros and Cons

It’s no secret that you can use AI to write college essays. Many students now rely on AI tools for help with their writing. But, as with anything, there are both pros and cons to using AI for this purpose.


Let’s first start with the benefits. Using AI writing tools has several benefits.

This is especially true for students who might not have access to traditional resources or those whose first language isn’t English. 

Accessibility for Students with Fewer Resources

AI can be a lifesaver for students who are non-native English speakers. AI tools can help translate their thoughts into something more polished.

This means that they can write in their native language and have the AI convert it into clear, accurate English.

They can communicate their ideas more effectively, even with language limitations.

AI can also provide support for students with disabilities. For those with dyslexia or other learning difficulties, writing can be tough.

AI tools can assist by providing real-time feedback and simplifying the writing process. 

Instead of worrying about technical details, students can focus more on their ideas and content.

AI removes these unneeded obstacles, giving every student a fair chance to produce high-quality work.

At the end of the day, we want assistance tools to be accessible for everyone to succeed, regardless of their background or challenges.

Potential for Improved Writing Quality with AI Assistance

Lots of AI tools are free, and when paired with proper research, they’re pretty effective.

There are even alternative AI tools, so you can choose the best one to improve your writing. Using an AI tool enhances the overall quality of your efforts.

But this isn’t about letting AI do all the work. Instead, you’re letting it refine your thoughts.

AI tools can easily spot grammar mistakes and suggest better ways to improve your sentence structure.

For students who aren’t confident in their writing skills, AI can act as a guide and help you polish your work.


While we know that AI has its perks, there are also risks to consider. Keep these in mind, as they could affect your chances of getting accepted.

Risks of Plagiarism

Probably the biggest risk of using AI is plagiarism. AI tools have the tendency to pull from large databases to create responses – without giving credit to the source.

While AI aims to produce unique content, there’s always a chance that parts of the essay will overlap with an already existing work.

This can lead to unintentional plagiarism, which is common when using AI.

It’s also a serious issue in academic settings. Getting caught could hurt your chances of being accepted.

Authenticity Concerns

Another downside is that AI work tends to lack authenticity.

No matter how polished your work is, admissions officers still want to hear your voice.

They’re looking for your personal story, what motivates you, and your unique experiences. AI can’t do that.

Relying too much on AI can strip your essay away of what makes your work truly yours.

Potential for a Generic Tone

AI-generated essays have the weird effect of sounding too generic.

While AI is great at improving the technical side of your writing, it lacks any personal touch that makes your essay stand out.

And this makes sense because AI chatbots are really just a database of information. College admissions essays are supposed to show your individuality.

If your essay sounds too polished or, worse, robotic, you might get caught using AI and totally miss your chance of making a real impression.

AI Detection and Humanization Tools

As we’ve mentioned, using AI for college essays can be risky. But there are ways to protect yourself.

AI detection tools are readily available online, and these can ensure that your content is always original.

We’ve highlighted using Undetectable AI, trusted by millions and rated the best by Forbes.

If you’re concerned about your essay, Undetectable is a smart choice.

But what makes Undetectable AI stand out is its ability to humanize AI content.

So you get a two-in-one platform that isn’t just an AI detector.

You also get an AI humanizer that makes content sound completely natural.

It can be a hassle to find out which parts of your content need tweaking.

Using an AI humanizer removes all that guesswork. It essentially smooths out those AI patterns.

This also gives an added layer of security. Even if your essay is mostly your own, there’s always a risk of being unfairly accused of using AI.

The humanizer prevents your content from triggering AI detection.

This way, you can focus on perfecting your essay without having the fear of getting caught.

Ready to give it a try? Test the humanizer below with just one click!

Rated #1 AI Detector by Forbes

Do Universities Need to Accept AI?

AI is making waves all around. And many students are also asking if universities need to start accepting them.

Right now, about one in ten students say that their school doesn’t have any clear AI policy.

Universities have to figure out how AI fits into their academic plans.

Because what we’re sure of is that AI isn’t going away. It’s here to stay and will most likely become a bigger part of how students learn and work.

What we understand, however, is that it will take time to integrate AI into university policies – but this is an important step in the right direction.

Accepting AI can enhance the learning experience, and these can become assistants for students and faculty.

These can also prepare students for a future where AI is common in their careers.

As AI continues to develop, universities need to adapt their policies to embrace its potential. They must also ensure that it’s used responsibly and ethically.


Can AI be used to help write medical school essays?

Yes, AI can help with writing medical school essays. AI tools can check your grammar, improve your sentence structure, and give you writing suggestions. However, it’s crucial to make sure that the final essay reflects your personal voice and experiences.

What are the risks of using AI in my medical school application?

The main risks of using AI include potential plagiarism and a lack of authenticity. Admissions committees may view AI-generated content as untruthful, and overly relying on AI could lead to your essay being flagged for AI detection and plagiarism.

How do med schools check for AI?

Medical schools use AI detectors to identify patterns that are typical of AI-generated content. These tools are able to scan essays for certain markers that suggest that the text was produced by an AI tool. Admissions officers are also quite skilled at spotting inauthenticity based on their experience with countless essays.


The clear answer is that medical schools check if you use AI. While AI can be a valuable resource when used responsibly, relying on it too heavily can backfire.

To stand out in a competitive field, remember that your unique voice and personal story are still your best assets.

We totally don’t invalidate the responsible use of AI. Use Undetectable AI to give yourself a boost.

We aim to avoid AI detection by checking if your content passes the major detection tools out there.

It also includes a humanizer feature so that your writing always stays true. With Undetectable, you can get the confidence you need to use AI as a helpful resource.

Undetectable AI (TM)